Alpha Industries, which actually has a history of providing clothing to the U.S. Dept. of Defense and the military, is rolling out a collaboration with Pintrill to give space fans a bomber “space race flight jacket” celebrating the 50th anniversary of the moon landing.

Product Description: Alpha’s classic CWU 45/P flight jacket featuring NASA 50th Moon Landing pins and patches from Pintrill. As the technology of materials and fabrics improved, there was a need for a new jacket that would be fire-retardant. The jacket was made of a nomex fabric that is known for its excellent thermal, chemical, and radiation resistance.

Today air force pilots are still issued the CWU 36/P and 45/P. Alpha started producing the jackets for the military in 1995 and went on to make them for more than five years. We made this nylon version of the CWU 45/P for the commercial market in 1998 and introduced a leather version in the late 1990s.

The jacket is on sale now for $300.
Cover image via Alpha Industries