The series, which is based on the French graphic novel Le Transperceneige by Jacques Lob, Benjamin Legrand and Jean-Marc Rochette, was first realized as a film back in 2013, directed by Bong Joon-ho and starring Chris Evans, John Hurt, Ed Harris, Octavia Spencer, and Tilda Swinton.
In the new TV version, the world is led by Jennifer Connelly (A Beautiful Mind, Requiem for a Dream). series will debut on TBS in the spring of 2020.
Synopsis: Set more than seven years after the world has become a frozen wasteland, Snowpiercer centers on the remnants of humanity, who inhabit a gigantic, perpetually-moving train that circles the globe. Class warfare, social injustice and the politics of survival play out in this riveting television adaptation.
Cover image via TBS/YouTube