Will the fifth time be the charm in this Marvel franchise?
Is Pedro a fantastic choice for the MCU?
The Marvel character that can refresh it all.
The classic game is coming to life in theaters this winter.
Which aliens from the world of Hollywood most fascinate the experts?
1984 versus 2020 sci-fi isn’t a slam dunk.
Did we really need a new ‘Dune’ movie?
What would you do if you could be invisible?
The world of Star Wars needed a bit of horror and this fan film delivers.
The Matrix 4 is coming, and here’s our first look.
This is what our new Batman looks like.
Think your dating life sucks? Think again.
The Guardian | Science Fiction
A new exhibition in New York shows the director’s defining science fiction opus, explored in detail with help from those who made it with him.
Emily Blunt must now face the terrors of the outside world as she continues her fight for survival in silence.
Get ready to take another epic Nolan ride, this time through time itself.
A hacker and his dog help to free a test subject of a black ops ESP test lab.
Witness the beginning of the next sci-fi director’s feature film career.
Another look at our silent friends and what happens when we forget their role on the food chain.
This is your last sweet taste of Star Wars goodness before the film drops in December.
The problems are easy to fix, if Hollywood producers would just pay closer attention.
Here’s why we think Harris is the new bad guy in Keanu Reeve’s VR kingdom.
‘Art Of Cinematic Sound’ Trailer Unpacks History Of Film Audio Effects In ‘Star Wars,’ ‘E.T.’ & More
A documentary that finally pays attention to the sound that makes the visuals pop in many of the greatest films ever made.
A science fiction foray from the other Hemsworth brother you don’t know as well.
Linda Hamilton (“Sarah Connor”) and Arnold Schwarzenegger (“T-800”) return in their iconic roles in Terminator: Dark Fate, directed by Tim Miller (Deadpool)
How one of the most terrifying movies of all time burst to life 40 years ago, inspired by ancient mythology and our universal fears.
A rare exploration into what it means to be one of the few humans to experience space.
The last film in the series of Star Wars reboots featuring Rey takes the character into troubling territory.
A mind-bending science-fiction thriller, where the line between fate and free-will blurs.
No one seems to know what the film is about, but the hints are terrifying.
Hollywood Rumors | Science Fiction
That’s right. The film that invented bullet time and changed the way we think about virtual reality is coming back.